Pure Essence Labs Transitions offers relief for various symptoms associates with Menopause including mood swings, hot flashes and other discomforts. Various hormone deficiencies associated with Menopause may stem from weaknesses in the kidney system and the blood.
Most estrogens and progesterone are produced in organs and glands that are parts of what Chinese Medicine calls the kidney system and transported throughout the body in the blood. If the kidney system is weakened by poor diet or stress, hormone levels fall. And, if the blood is sluggish or "tired," hormones may not reach the cells they're meant to serve. In essence, Chinese Medicine regards hormone deficiencies and the discomforts they bring as symptoms, and the weakness in the kidney system or the blood as the cause.
Now at last, a single supplement addresses both symptom and cause — Transitions. Transitions provides the most complete package of hormone- balancing factors ever offered, plus, the world's finest superior tonic herbs for the kidney system and the blood. These ingredients allow Transitions to act holistically — at much deeper levels than other supplements — to provide truly superior results.
If you're searching for natural, effective relief from the discomforts of menopause, step up to Transitions, and discover the difference that true holism can make.