CELL DAMAGE - Selenium has attracted attention because of its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect cells from damage.
IMMUNE HEALTH - People who don’t get enough selenium in their diet are more likely to come down with frequent infections, and it takes them much longer to recover from infections.
AUTHENTICITY OF INGREDIENTS - We always use a pure form of each ingredient and all our ingredients are laboratory tested to ensure accurate identification so you can be assured we use real, authentic ingredients.
CLEANLINESS OF INGREDIENTS - Ensuring our ingredients are completely clean is a top concern. Our manufacturing facility was one of the first NSF registered GMP facilities in the industry and maintains strict quality control towards this end. We also ensure every one of our products are certified gluten-free.
ACCURACY OF LABELING - We always ensure that if an ingredient appears on our supplement facts label, it’s in our product in the exact ratios and potency that our label says. We also ensure that if a product contains any known allergens, the label says so. No surprises.